Anna: I always pass by this place on my way to work, they have such beautiful plants!
Bea: Beautiful prices too!
Anna: I want to get a big plant for my living room. Maybe one of those with big leaves?
Bea: The Monstera? They’re stunning but they’re so expensive!
Anna: What’s the price?
Bea: £75
Anna: Geese, I want a plant not a piece of furniture!
Bea: What about the weeping fig, they’re pretty leafy and easy to look after. I have one and it just needs watering once a week and it only needs a few hours of sunlight.
Anna: Well sun isn’t a problem at mine! The windows are so big the plants could get sun most of the day.
Bea: Maybe you should do some succulents, they’re easy to look after.
Anna: I want something bigger, a showstopper. How about this?
Bea: Erm, I think that’s a fig tree!
Shop Assistant: It is, it’s a fiddle-leaf fig, they usually do very well inside though as they are used to warm climates. They can grow up to 6 feet tall!
Anna: Wow, is that right?
Shop Assistant: They’re from Africa and used to warm, humid conditions. But they’re quite hardy plants so they tend to do well indoors, if you just turn them often to get sunlight all round so they won’t lean to one side.
Anna: Huh, I never thought of that. Would I need to spray it?
Shop Assistant: A good spray everyday and make sure that the water it topped up often. You can also place it on a tray of pebbles in water so that the environment is more humid.
Anna: Oh it sounds like a lot of work! The Weeping Fig is looking more appealing now…how much did you say that was again?